Monday, March 26, 2007

On a walk

We have been away for the past four days, trying to get last tracks on the ski hill. We did manage to get both girls up on skis this weekend, too cute. I took so many pictures but I'll post this one while I sort all the others out. Here is Paul and the girls getting some fresh air.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Little Man is walking!

He's doing it and very very proud. A couple of days ago he took a few steps, almost by accident. Now he's trying to walk just about every where. Ella feels that she was the one to teach him since she has dedicated quite a bit of time to the task. Who knows, she probably was! Here are a couple of shots of Griffin in the studio. He was more interested in trying to walk to the ball than to look up at his momma for a smile, but that's OK.

What good manners!

It's just a mommy thing....but my son, at 14 months old can eat with a fork! Not only can he eat with a fork, but he prefers to!! I don't remember either of my girls being so interested in utensils at this age or any age. Here is a series of pictures with Griffin successfully and happily getting a waffel to his mouth!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mad River Rocket

The Mad River Rocket is a sled but you kneel on it with a strap over your lower legs to keep you secured. The idea is that you have total control over the turns unlike a regular sled. It is named Mad River Rocket after Mad River Glen ski area which is very close to us. It is to be used in the back-country and if you can get permission - at a ski area. I bought this for Paul for his birthday in September and here he is getting freshies in our back yard. He says that it is so much fun, it's almost better than skiing! Ha, if you knew him then you'd know that it MUST be fun! From the pictures you can barely tell that he's moving but look at our dog! She loves it! Here are a couple of zoomed in pictures then a full shot so you can see the full slope. I'm going to give it a try tomorrow - can't wait!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Riley's eye

This pic was from a shoot yesterday. This is Riley and she has the most beautiful blue eyes and dark hair. She was especially fond of this flower.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Working on high key

I got a new light yesterday so total =3 now. Yay. I really wanted to do high key the right way and it was just too difficult with only 2 lights. This was just practise this morning for my shoot later today. I had the camera set to an iso of 200 - for you non-photo types, iso is a way of controlling the light. Usually I have it set at 100 but with all the bright white I felt I should bump it up a little so so my f-stop wouldn't be so high. Even with an iso of 200 my f stop was 18 - yikes! I am not happy with the iso being so high. When I enlarge the image, I can totally see the grain. So, back to the studio so I can get it right.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Building shapes

Ella is really into these shape things. This is probably a unique way of stimulating the brain - trying to fit all the shapes together and figuring out new designs. She can play with it for hours during the day...carting it around everywhere she goes. I have to get more pieces so she can add to her creations. I highly recommend them, even my 14 month old loves them. Although he's more into just seeing how far it can fit into his mouth!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Splish splash pretty girl

Oh my gosh, I have been gone for so long. Sorry. I guess I just needed a break. I found I was just taking pictures for the sole purpose of the blog and I became uninspired. But, I'm back and inspired again!!! The snow is melting - yippee!!! Not that I don't love snow and all that comes with it - skiing, snowshoeing, snowmen, etc. But I have spring fever bad!! Here is a cute shot of Ella splashing in the rain puddles. I took a picture of the whole of her because I wanted to see the fact that she's wearing a long dress under her rain coat! But I think the better picture is the one of her feet.

Oh, by the way...those of you who say my last post. The mom bought 7 images of this little guy...and she wanted to keep the drool. She said it was so perfect, like spun glass! Only a mother would talk about drool that way! Thanks for your input.

Monday, March 5, 2007

To drool or not to drool

Isn't this little guy cute. He's from a photo shoot a week or so ago. The question I keep the drool in, or edit it out? I really like it but what do you think?

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Ella is entering her tree climbing phase. I remember when I was little I always wanted to spend the day in a tree. She is doing exactly what I remember doing! She said today that she wanted to climb everything in the whole world! This was said while she was climbing mountains of snowbanks and then finally this tree. It's funny how kids bring back all the great memories you had when you were young.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

For the love of dance

Ella at her dance class. Not taken today but dug from the archives. It is one of my favorites.