Monday, February 5, 2007

Grandfather and Grandson

I got my copy of Proffessional Photographer magazine in the mail at the end of last week. I just LOVE that magazine and devour it cover to cover. One of the stories was about how a photographer captured images of the different generations together. She loved to photograph great grandparents with the third generation and everyone inbetween. How great is that? I know that years ago people hardly ever got photographs with their grandparents let alone their great-grandparents. I was inspired by this article to take this picture. It is Griffin (one year old) with his Grandpa Dave. I'm not crazy about the tilt but can't figure out how to fix it and little Griffins face is too bright from the big sunny french doors. But I still like it. I'll try again next time we see them.

1 comment:

heidi~r. said...

Wow, what a sweet memory to capture!!